Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Day 6 - Circles

Not so much of a funny 'un , just some rings of onion :D


  1. Interesting idea for a shot. I wish I had thought of that instead of ransacking the whole house looking for circular things to shoot.
    ha! Eury

  2. It's funny, because I was chopping onions last night for dinner and thought of doing something very similar to this, but since it wouldn't fit in with my bokeh theme, short of hanging onion rings in mid-air, I had to let it go. Great minds think alike, although you have done a much better job of it than I think I would have. Love the menacing shadow out to the side like that. Very clever lighting.

  3. Do you have Funyuns in Britain? Not bad, actually. ;) Onion rings are clever for the theme! I'm intrigued by the solid shadow, since the rings look narrow, but they must be very thick.

  4. You had me with this one... I thought it was some kind of a slinky... Never dreamed of onions stacked, with that unique shadow to the right. I bet this one had you crying :)

  5. wonderful background colour - very other worldy. They must be think cut onion rings, mmmmm deep fried onion rings - not that is an idea :-)

  6. Cool how the shadows create the illusion of a cup.
