Saturday, 10 January 2015

Day 10 - Shoelace

Air 8. They are waterproof, you know?


  1. Nice transition from the light bottom to the darker top and great detail. I like how the toe seems centered but the heel is slightly off center.

  2. This is very nicely done. It seems like it would be easy, but to do it well, it is definitely not. Great job!

  3. Well, I sure hope it kept your foot dry! Great shot, Chris, with lots of detail and texture. Nice lighting to accentuate the details, too.

  4. Very good textural image for this day's challenge. Eury

  5. Wow, great texture and that boot just oozes personality and charm. I love that you have focused on the label as the writing draws the eye and we want to read it so it's important to be the focal point. But it's set within the context of all the rest of that rugged boot and lace and looks great!
