Sunday, 11 January 2015

Day 11 - Metal Container

Metal tools in a metal container (well used today, as dad & I replaced the engine in one of my cars)


  1. Really nice contrasty look to the bits! Eury

  2. Very cool lighting on all the metal shinies inside and I like the texture on the box lid. A part of me wishes we could see more of the box itself or that you maybe could have presented it a bit off-centre, off-kilter or something, rather than dead straight, but the uneven lighting and the interest of all the goodies inside really makes up for that.

  3. Love the colors and texture of the box... makes for a very nice pic.

  4. Good shot, I like shots of tools. Now,where have I seen those before?

  5. So you both worked hard and managed to get a good shot in time. Well done. I hope the car works fine now.
