Saturday, 17 January 2015

Day 17 - Motion Blur

Ok, so not your typical motion blur shot, and I sort of stumbled on the 'look' by accident after shooting at the wrong aperture and I liked the smooth clean look it gave.


  1. Nice effect ... a magnetically contained rim perhaps? I wonder how a shorter blur would have looked that contained the spoke blur also?

  2. Yes, you wheely, wheely did. :) Agree with Geoff...maybe a bit slower pedaling, or shorter shutter speed would give some indication of the moving spokes (assuming there are spokes). I wonder why the chain isn't moving? Disconnected?

  3. Can't edit.... but....on the other hand, it does have a cool, smooth look to it.

  4. I know most would think that you should have used a shorter shutter speed to capture the spokes, but seeing it this way, I think I may prefer this more creative take. Now with the thread on the wheel blurred, we can see it is moving but it's as it suspended on nothing. It's very cool, in my opinion. I particularly like the composition. Eury

  5. Wow, I LOVE this. The blur on the tyre really keeps it as a moving subject for me, and it reminds me of those new-fangled racing bikes that don't have spokes, but have a sold white filling within the tyre area. The simplicity of the composition and the strong graphic outcome really do make this fabulous for me!

  6. Great idea and very effective. I like the composition and the square crop, as well as the stark white background, which I think spartanizes it and eliminates the need for any hint of spokes

  7. I like it without the spokes. You can see exactly what it is, yet it's almost abstract. I love it.

  8. I love this, very elementary bike image. You should share it with Regoch, he is doing the "Super-Marga daily almost-a-month-of-bicycles FB-only completely unofficial photography sub-challenge with occasional soundtrack." (which I talked him into after he posted a cool bike shot).

  9. The spokes just don't exist. How cool. I love this effect!
