Thursday, 20 January 2011

Day 6


I'm not too sure about this shot. Can't make up my mind whether I like it or not


  1. The sidelighting shows off the texture of the designs on the money really well, but I find the bright penny a bit distracting to the eye. I am torn between looking at the penny and the tuppence, and it's a bit distracting on the eye as to which one is your main subject.

  2. Thanks Kimbo, that's exactly what's wrong with it! Hehe I should've used this for the selective desat contest that's running. Ah well

  3. I ike the concept a lot.
    It is so nice to have the sidelighting on the money, but I have to agree with Kim on the light on the 2 coins.
    Maybe a little different angle would have worked a little better.

  4. Well, you were not sure of the shot yourself and I have to fall into the not liking it bit!

    I think for the side lighting to work you need objects with a bit more height/depth, due to the height of the coins at the moment that shaddows are drowning some too much. I would be looking for side lighting shaddows to enhance the image.

  5. I like the idea and part of the coins are nicely lit to bring out their textures but my issue is mostly the fabric underneath. I would have loved to see something less folded and more smooth.

  6. These coins bring back memories (I used to live in UK).

  7. Just make a selection on the bright penny and bring down the brightness level. I think you could also crop a little tighter as that much white cloth isn't adding a lot to the composition. Don't give up on this one yet!

  8. I'm with ratbarsteard on this one. A bit of a crop and a selection on the brighter penny and use levels to bring it down a bit and you've got a nice pile of change with plenty of texture.

  9. It is funny how different people line up...the first distraction I saw was the cloth crumpled underneath...
