Saturday, 29 January 2011

Day 14

Square Frame

This square candle was just asking for it. I could see it sat there, flickering away at me, trying to grab my attention. So I got up and shot it.


  1. Wow, that is superb! Lovely rich colours, a fascinating composition and a beautiful mood and atmosphere. It's like looking into a beautiful and magical cave! Very nice work!

  2. This is perfect for a square crop, and the frame complements the photo well. You did a great job capturing the flame without it looking blown. Nice and glowy.

  3. Wow, a square vulcano, I can even see some bubbles. Lovely mix of oranges and yellows.

  4. It's lovely. I like the colours, the shapes and the tones and the square crop goes very well indeed.

  5. It's very interesting with the strage shape inside the square, inside the square. Very rich colors and nice job of not overexposing the flame.

  6. How did you train that candle to burn on a diagonal?

  7. I love this. I love how you framed it and that you added a yellow line around which just reinforces the squareness of it all. The light is wonderful and warm and perfect. Awesome!~
