Thursday, 5 November 2015

Day 5 - Leisure

Meet Jack, my flatmate.


  1. Very flat! Good lighting, but I feel you have fallen foul of the 2D rule! Lucky this is not a contest! ;-)

  2. Great shot of that classic dude :). This is so very familiar to me - we played cards a lot when I grew up, every time I visit my parents we end up playing a game or two.. or three or eleven haha. I love the composition and the border btw. Perfect

  3. Haha, your description works well on so many levels!

  4. Great idea for the word, another simple and very effective shot!

  5. Ha! Now this is leisure. When I saw Natalie's idea of leisure.. punching a bag.. I thought what? that's torture.. haha...

    Good idea and good shot!
