Monday, 2 November 2015

Day 2 - (Data) Stream

A little light painting composite for you today.


  1. Oh, I love that dancing snake type posing of the datastream. And how you always manage to present something less obvious. Good control of the light as well.

  2. Haha, interesting take!
    I'm not a fan of the white reflections on the cord, not sure if lighting from just a tad on the behind side would have changed that?
    I do love the contrasting colours though, and all the lines.Pretty cool :)

  3. A fantastically different take on the theme, and I love the connection to the theme with the awesome colour combinations. Lovely stuffs!

  4. I like it, the colours are stunning and it's a novel interpretation. The only thing I don't really like is where the light starts just to the left of the end of the cable.

  5. Absolutely love the ingenuity in this one! Great shot!

  6. Great shot! Very pretty colored lines and great composition. It's so clever and creative. Well done Morp!

  7. Very cool interpretation. I like the light matching the cable twists and the cool colours
