Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Day 4 - Pottery

Just a pottery figure - mother and child.
Damn baby wouldn't keep still though...

I think red on the dress at the back must be the power/ready light from the flash gun that was lighting up the background, as there were no other light sources there. I like the touch of colour it adds, so I left it in.


  1. Babies are like that! Pesky when they won't pose. I like the colour too. Those figurines here are usually made from wood, so it's unusual to see a pottery one. Nice lighting.

  2. I would never had thought of the color if you hadn't pointed it out, but you are so right. It really adds that little extra to the shot. Very elegant :)

  3. I didn't really notice the colour either, at least not as something that shouldn't be there. Nice simple image.

  4. Very good shot of a beautiful piece of pottery!

  5. Feels quiet and serene.. nice composition.

  6. Last week I saw a whole bunch of this type of statues and of course they reminded me of yours.
    I like the simplicity of both the shot and the figurine.
