Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Day 8 - Sticky Gear

If you don't know, Ddallas has been having a little trouble with a sticky gear in her D40, which she has to nudge every few shots to get it going again. I have a knackered D40 and I thought I would see if  the gear and the motor that drives it are easily accessible. I got it out, Dd!!

 I only had to remove a few screws to get to it...


  1. Now put it back together and see if it works.

  2. Yes, you are not being very helpful if you just give her your replacement gear. You gotz to put it back together for her too! An interesting look at the inside of a camera, although it does make my heart crack a little...

  3. Oh...My...Word. So it could be any of those gears technically that's causing the problem. *repeatedly blinks*

  4. Holy... LMAO. Good luck getting that puppy back together LOL

  5. LMAO!!! Is that really what the insides of one of these puppies looks like? Somehow I expected it to be more warm and fuzzy and techy-looking. (Hmmm....we probably need an illo contest showing what the insides of a camera probably look like.)

  6. holy cow, those gears are made out of plastic, no wonder they are giving her problems. - eury
    Seeing this in parts was also a shocker!
