Monday, 21 October 2013

Day 21 - Sun Spots?

So after the success of my recent astrophotography shot, I combined my gear with some empty toilet roll tubes to increase the focal length and came up with this close-up of a star in the centre of the aforelinked newly-forming galaxy. I think that's 2-0 to me, Geoff, isn't it? ;)

Funny how it also resembles a close-up of a backlit eggshell too. How uncanny is that?


  1. Oooh, yes, I see the sun spot, although I think that if this sun really didn't want us to think it was a backlit eggshell, it should have made itself a little bit brighter and more orange. But I do love the idea. Very cleverly done and a worthy contemporary to Geoff's sunspots shot! Well done.

  2. A sun spot huh? - I would have easily mistaken this for a blemish on Uranus had you not pointed us in the right direction.

  3. Half science, half magic! You are a true astrophotography wizard!

  4. Ahh ... you've caught me out Chris ;)

  5. Ahh ... you've caught me out Chris ;)

  6. LOL, Craig... keep that little whipper snapper on his toes!
