Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Day 2 - Snail

So it looks like I may be going with the letter 'S' or with macros - but don't quote me on that :D
This little fellow was very shy and didn't want to come out for the paparazzi


  1. Aaaww, he looks very withdrawn. Lovely sharp closeup, but that blue looks rather bright to be natural, and is reflecting on his shell rather distractingly. Is that a feature in your garden?

  2. I was thinking the same thing about the blue, but then it occurred to me that this might be in an aquarium with a blue background? Very nice composition.

  3. Is there even one in there? :-) but i do like the lighting.

  4. Lovely close up with the blue for added interest!

  5. You know how you don't really notice something until someone points it out? That happened with the blue. lol Eury

  6. This close up, it almost looks like an alien life form..

  7. Love this macro. That blue backdrop really makes the photo pop!
