Monday, 6 September 2010

Day 6

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair.
For most people it grows :D

The highlights are a little blown out (no pun intended), but who cares!
My daughter wasn't patient enough for me to setup my soft box and stuff


  1. Wow, she has such thick, luxuriant hair! A lovely detail shot, and yes, while it is a shame about the highlights (only the ones at bottom left), I do love the shapes and textures. Nice one.

  2. I actually like the highlights, gives it a "real life" feel. The detail is great, and the tight crop works well.

  3. I do love the highlights but the bottom one too overblown, but it's so cool how many things you can find that grow!

  4. Wow! She's got great hair! Nice idea to crop tightly to show the detail of the hair in the braid.

  5. What beautiful hair - so thick - and a lovely colour. It's a good photo too as it shows those points. The close crop does the trick.

  6. Very nice capture. At least she let you take the photo :-)

  7. What a lovely hair colour she has! I like how it's braided, makes it much more interesting.

  8. Hair to be jealous of. Good detail as well.

  9. That looks like a thick braid! I love the golden color and the textures.

  10. Lovely frame filling capture. I would love hair that thick!
