Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Day 29

Popcorn. This was taken on a sheet of green perspex with the flash shot through it. I then flipped it and thought it looked cool


  1. haha! It looks cool, but it doesn't look yummy this way. I give you kudos for experimenting though. Hey, only 2 more days to go and then you'll be working your butt off for the team tournament! Ain't life grand? :-D

  2. Until I read your title, my impression was that this was some underwater scene with some weird sealife! I'm not sure the blue does the popcorn any favors (think of mold), but it's an intersting vantage point, anyway!

    Are you getting ready to rock the team tourney? :)

  3. Very creative. Very outside the box thinking. I think it's very effective and very undersea-ish.

  4. It looked like underwater cauliflower to me at first!

  5. The colours you used make it look like virusses of some sort.

  6. Very cool and underwaterish! They look to be floating along...
