Sunday, 12 September 2010

Day 12

Shadow lengthening towards the end of the day. This was originally a landscape shot, but seems to have more impact in portrait. Do you agree?


  1. I like it in portrait. Definitely very effective. Peter Pan has had Wendy help with the sewing here, for sure, and his shadow is not going anywhere!

  2. I do like it in portrait mode, and I like your foot being in the image as well. I'd rather see that upper left cropped out (or cloned over) since that diagonal line makes me want to tilt my head to straighten it, which takes away from my looking at the interesting long-legged shadow!

  3. Good idea to make this a portrait crop. I would crop off to the left to get rid of that upper triangle that is messing up the composition; at the same time it will achieve moving your composition a bit out of the center.

  4. Portrait for me, too! What a funny pose!

  5. The distorted shadow is great, and nice that your foot is there.

  6. Yes, I do agree. And a lovely shadow you make too.

  7. Having one big field of grass would certainly enhance the shadow which in itself is gorgeous.

  8. Much better this way. Is that a golf green? I've done a similar shadow portrait on a golf green, it's the best grass for it :)

  9. What they said about the top left, lovely shot apart from that. The green and black works very well.
