Sunday, 21 August 2011

Day 9 Brolly Dolly

I'm singin' in the rain... or rather shootin' in the rain...or rather shootin' in the pretend rain


  1. A great shot. She's having fun too by the look of it.


  2. I was sitting here thinking where is the light coming from? Then I realized that it's not real rain which explains the "my Dad is in one of his crazy photographer moods again" look. Not that I've seen that look before mind you just guessing at that. ;) Nice fun photo and well composed.

  3. Cute! Well done getting the droplets lit up.

  4. You have to make rain? I thought we were having the wettest summer in decades in western europe.
    But fake rain does give you more control and you keep yourself dry while shooting.

  5. That's so funny, and great light on the water to give the impression of the monkey's wedding (rain and sun at the same time). Good job!
