Friday, 19 August 2011

Day 7 Hannah

Ok, this is the last of my kids, although no doubt you'll be seeing them all again before the month is up.


  1. Your kids certainly have expressive faces that are ideal for good photographs. What a pity that you've run out of kids. Indeed, what's next?


  2. Is she Kate's twin sister? They look so much the same age. Wonderful expression created by this girl as well.

  3. It IS a shame they are all so camera shy! :P

  4. Such expressions! They certainly feel comfortable around a camera!

  5. Fantastic expression. I think a little more fill reflection from below would have given some more light to her face to reduce the appearance of bags under her eyes, which is probably not really the case, but the overhead lighting glancing across her eyes and cheeks gives that illusion. The flash of pink in her shirt works very well.
