Saturday, 12 February 2011

Day 29


Dragged my girls in again to help with this shot :D


  1. Wow, fantastic! I love the overall impression of this, and the sidelighting (toplighting) works very well to highlight all the shapes. I do find that the heavy shadow on the middle left one from the top one, and the lower right one from the middle one are perhaps a bit harsh, so could be lessened by slightly repositioning those hands not to overhang quite so much. But I fully appreciate how hard it is to get good cooperation between a big group, after having done my family's hands and feets in prior challenges! Very well done!

  2. Wow, so many hands and a difficult job to light them all evenly. As Kim says a slight reposition of a couple fingers would have made them all very evident but three people jumbled together to get those hands in place does not allow for easy changes. It's not like they are made out of rubber. I think that you could easily in post processing, dodge them a bit to reveal them more, but still, extremely well done! One more day to the big day! (yep, your birthday and the end of the challenge too) :-)

  3. I love this composition! Great lighting and positioning.

  4. This is a very good shot. Very striking and extremely well done.

  5. How the heck did you take this picture with all of your hands in the picture? :P

  6. Now you have me wondering, two girls and two boys, is that all??? Nice shot

  7. This brings a dutch childrens song about piling one fist on another in to my head.
